Sunday, February 26, 2012

. . . .

Apa yang mesti aku tulis sekarang?
mau marah? mau sedih? mau sebel?
apa aku yang egois? apa aku yang terlalu menuntut lebih?

iya, baru saja aku bilang capek. 
capek. capek kalo harus marah sama kamu, percuma, gak ada perubahannya. 

tapi lihat, belum ada satu jam aku ngomong itu, aku udah nyesel setengah mati.
semarah apapun kita, lihat deh, kita gak pernah bisa terlalu lama "off" komunikasi, gak tahu deh kenapa.

aku cuma,
gak bisa terlalu jauh dari kamu, 

berharap ada telpon dari kamu, gak lama setelah blog ini aku posting.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's Your PURPLE Box, Tarrraaaa...

i dont need much words to explain the picture above, it just simple, about me and how much i love Winnie the Pooh, but there's a great thing inside.
The thing that not everyone has, 
and the thing that make me feel to be someone. Someone that never stop to say, "Alhamdulillah, thank's Allah for every blessing that You've given to me".

It's true love from someone that really care to me, and it's love, the thing that make me so alive, yesterday, today, even tommorow.

Dear, thank's for these birthday present, see this, we've proved that distance can't be the big thing for our relationship, and you're really convinced me. 

i love you, my Shaktyawan Yudha, :)